Our brains are vital for the functioning of our bodies. Every function in the body is controlled and regulated by the brain. It therefore makes sense to ensure that our heads are a top priority when it comes to safety. We should take appropriate precautions to ensure that our brains are protected from injury.
However, accidents still occur and traumatic brain injuries are often the result regardless of the precautions we take. Traumatic brain injuries can result of your brain impacting the inside of your skull even if there is no penetration or skull fracture. This is usually the result of a violent force that causes the head to snap back and forth or direct impact to your head.
Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury
In many cases, traumatic brain injuries are not apparent immediately after the accident. Many accident victims only begin to experience the symptoms several days or even weeks after the accident. While some of the symptoms are obvious, others may not be so easy to recognize. Brain injuries are serious and you should never brush off any of these symptoms if you were recently in an accident.
The following are some common symptoms of a traumatic brain injury:
- Problems concentrating
- Loss of memory
- Headaches both mild and severe
- Dizzy spells or loss of balance
- Feeling confused or disoriented
- Vomiting or feeling nauseous
- Drowsiness
- Fatigue
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to smells
- Blurred vision
- Mood swings including depression and anxiety
- Ringing in the ears
Seeking Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries are serious. They can result in the eventual death of the victim. Those victims who survive often have to live with the long term side effects of the injuries. Some experience long term disabilities.
These injuries are often the result of accidents such as slip and falls and motor vehicle accidents. In many cases, these accidents are the result of the negligence of another party. Victims of these accidents are therefore entitled to compensation from the party at fault.
If you decide to seek compensation for a traumatic brain injury, it is important to engage a lawyer with the skills and experience to represent you.
Here in Hartford, injury attorney Andrew Cates has the experience and resources to prove your case. If you believe you may have suffered a traumatic brain injury, please call us today for your free claim evaluation so we can begin building your case. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and we are here to help.